NAWBO Feedback: June 21, 2007
Question: If there were a book about how the top California corporate women directors achieved their positions of leadership on boards, would you buy it? Why? or Why not?
I think the book is a very good idea to inspire women to reach for this level of leadership if they desire or want to look farther into this area. It would be something very important for young women to learn about.
Would buy: Biographies of women in biz need to be shared as you did with examples. Thanks!
Great topic and presentation -- This book will be of interest to women who are education and in business who are truly engaged and want to make a difference. I would be interested.
I was excited to hear that you are writing a book about women leaders and their accomplishments on the boards of directors -- I know many of the women would have bought one tonight!
Yes -- I would read it -- really interested in women in leadership roles. What barriers they overcame. What advantages they had. What drove them.
Yes -- I believe that it would be an inspiration to many women. I would personally like to hear about women's successes and the plights they endured.
Yes -- I would buy it. Why? The best way to achieve a goal is to learn from those who have already achieved it. This book is an opportunity to learn. Thank you!
Yes -- I have two young adult daughters who are eager to find their niche and succeed. Your book would be an excellent resource and a wealth of helpful information to then. Thank you!
Yes -- I would read it -- really interested in women in leadership roles. What barriers they overcame. What advantages they had. What drove them.
Yes -- I would buy it. Because my own personal goal is to lead, guide and effect change. I get great motivation when I hear/read stories about women's paths to their achievements.
Yes -- to hear their stories and how they have gotten where they are. How they faced challenges through all the parts of their lives.
Yes -- I would buy the book because I aspire to be on a board, personally.
Yes -- Good idea: it can inspire women.
Yes -- Oprah would love it and help promote it. Most key media folk
are women. We are ready!
Yes! -- to share encouragement with young women.
Yes, I would buy the book. I always get inspired by women who have achieved something and how they did it.
Yes -- I really enjoy reading about successful women. I like hearing the pitfalls as well as the successes. I can learn and become a better business woman through this reading.
Yes -- I would read it -- really interested in women in leadership roles. What barriers they overcame. What advantages they had. What drove them.
Possibly -- If the book talked about how to overcome various challenges women face in their pursuit of leadership roles.
Yes, I think it would be very valuable for women who aspire to get into corporate boards. I personally would not purchase it because I do not have that aspiration. I am happy sitting on the small nonprofit board I am on.
I don't believe I personally would buy a book like this. But, I believe there are many women this would speak volumes to. My particular passion in life doesn't necessarily place my goals on a board, but who knows .... my path has just begun.
Yes, for those women/men who are beginning in their career climb.
No, not your normal reading for study, leisure or motivation.