Women on Boards of Directors -- 2006

News On Women.com (NewsOnWomen.com) reported a grand total of 278 women named to boards of directors for the full year 2006, with the addition of 26 women in December alone. Corporations in a total of 37 states (74% of all U.S. states) and 5 nations announced new female directors this year. The last six months of 2006 saw 167 women nominations, over 3 times the rate of the same period in 2005.

For the first time this year, firms based in Rhode Island and South Carolina announced female director nominations: Lin TV Board welcomed Patti Hart on board and Palmetto Bank added Jane Sosebee to its board.

In December, Massachusetts and California led all states with 5 nominations, followed by New York, Connecticut and Texas with 2 each. Nine states and the District of Columbia added 1 woman each to a corporate board. A total of 15 states announced female board directors during the month of December.

For the year, 7 states represented over 53% of the new female board nominations for the year. California led with 45 female director nominations -- equal to an average of almost 1 nomination every week. New York was a close second with about 1 nomination every 2 weeks.

The number of states with firms nominating women on boards has tracked pretty closely to the total number of nominations per month, as indicated in the chart below.

According to Catalyst Inc. surveys from 1995 to 2005, we reached a grand total of 827 women on U.S. Fortune 500 firms in that 11 year span, equal to an average of 75 women added per year. The announcements tracked by NewsOnWomen.com in 2006 represent 3.7 times that figure, a number made possible by examining not merely the top few companies but by looking at all of the female talent and competence recognized in the marketplace during the year.

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