Another Year, Another Record -- 2007 at NewsOnWomen.com
reported that 29 women from 14 states were named as new public company directors during the month of December, bringing us to another record year of 293 women added to corporate boards in 2007.
This month had 3 more announcements compared to December 2006.

The number of nominations for 2007 (293 women directors) was 5.4% over last year's total of 278.

The top states continue to be CA with 85 women directors (almost 89% above last year), NY with 25 (down 2 from last year), MA with 20 (2 more than last year), NJ with 14 (4 more than a year ago), and IL with 15 directors (2 fewer than last year). The top five this year had 159 directors or 55% of all new female director announcements compared to a share of 44% for the top five states last year.

During December, and for the first time since we began tracking women director press releases in July 2005, a company based in the state of Vermont added its first woman director: Mary Powell was named CEO of Green Mountain Power and a member of their board of directors. Overall, this year had one more state compared to last year. Illinois, Texas, Florida and Pennsylvania reported declines in their numbers ranging from 9 percent to almost 62%. Monthly director announcements tracked closely to the average of 13 states a month, although the 3rd quarter's dip can be seen clearly in the chart below.

Other significant trends evidenced during the year were these:
- We agree with Alice Krause that a top level education, including an advanced business degree, was one of the more significant predictors associated with a woman being named to a corporate board.
- Director nominations from technology, banking and bio-medical/pharmaceutical companies continued to dominate.
- With almost a 90% increase over last year, California companies continue to churn out new businesses and nominate women to corporate boards, with Northern California firms leading the way.
- Experience, competence, achievement, accomplishments -- these are the hallmarks of the women named to corporate boards of directors in 2007.
We join Alice Krause in congratulating the outstanding women named to corporate boards of directors in 2007 and look forward to another record year in 2008!