Women on Boards -- 2008 at NewsOnWomen.com
reported that 32 women were named to corporate boards in December
2008 at companies located in 14 states and the District of Columbia,
bringing the year's total to 255 nominations.

In spite of the recessionary year, December ranks as the second highest, following only Octobers of 2006 and 2007, each with a record of 35 women nominations.

The third quarter figures for 2007 pulled that year's total down, while all quarters except the 3rd for 2008 pull this year's total down.

Virginia took the lead this month with 4 nominations: one for the board of the Federal Reserve of Richmond and 3 for the Fannie Mae board. Four states and the District of Columbia each had 3 women directors. Massachusetts maintained its record as the only state this year to have had at least one press release announcing a woman director every month this year.

The map of the major states shows the leading 10 during the year. California's leadership was only about half of last years. The East and North Central states cluster close together. Texas and Minnesota were also among the leaders.

When companies in more states announce women directors, it has a positive effect on overall nominations. When companies in just a few states announce women directors, the overall trends stay low.

Over the past three years, companies in just 14 states have
led the way in women nominated to corporate boards. Almost 70%
of all nominations each year for the past three years have come
from just the top 10 states.

Companies on the NYSE represented 37 percent of the nominations for this year, followed by the NASDAQ with 30 percent. Private firms added 23 percent. Government and Over-the-counter exchanges each added 4 percent, with only 1 percent for the AMEX.

Note: all figures reflect the information from press releases announcements as tracked by NewsOnWomen.com for the period indicated.
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