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How Women Corporate Directors Succeed by Elizabeth Ghaffari
January 28, 2010 – Santa Monica, CA Libraries around the world are recognizing the new book by Elizabeth Ghaffari "blazes a new trail" in the debate about how women rise to leadership. Outstanding in their Field: How Women Corporate Directors Succeed is a new non-fiction book (released by ABC-Clio in 2009) documenting the lives of 15 women on top corporate boards at Fortune 1000 firms based in California. It charts the 6 paths that modern women follow into the boardroom in today’s more demanding, more global and competitive marketplace. Ghaffari tells a new tale, not of the need for quotas or special treatment for women who aspire to leadership. Rather, she lets the women themselves speak on the record about how each began from encouragement and inspiration at youth, crafted an incredible career based on a skill she loves, and rose to a position of esteem and recognition within today’s business environment. A quick scan of the WorldCat.org catalog of library acquisitions shows that Outstanding in their Field has caught the attention of academic and library acquisition specialists around the world: they know this is a book for today and tomorrow’s women in leadership. From San Mateo to Western Australia, Berkeley to Halifax, Vancouver to Florida, from business school to law school, from the Library of Congress to the New York State Library System, from your corner library to a Kindle eBook online -- this is a book for women who aspire to be their very best, reach the top of their game, and enter into the boardroom. WorldCat.org Available: June 30, 2009 Media contact: