Past Presentations:
Date | Link | Title |
2011 |
Apr. 25, 2011 | |
Women in the Boardroom Los Angeles -- Elizabeth Ghaffari served on the WITB Panel along with Barb Allen, retired president of Proactive Partners and director at RLI Corporation, and Lydia Kennard, principal of Airport Property Ventures and a director on multiple corporate boards. |
2010 |
Nov. 4, 2010 |  |
Elizabeth Ghaffari presentation before the Women’s CFO Dinner hosted by Russell Reynolds Associates in San Francisco, CA.
You did a great job facilitating what was a dynamic dialogue, and we've gotten lots of high praise from the attendees for last night's event. Thank you again - I love that we have so much in common!" |
Jul. 29, 2010 |  |
Elizabeth Ghaffari and Bonnie Hill, corporate director, discuss "Becoming a corporate director: serving on an influential board" before Leading Women at the UCLA Ziman Center for Real Estate. Summary and letter. |
May 24, 2010 |  |
Women in the Boardroom - Elizabeth Ghaffari moderates a panel of four Outstanding Women in Leadership at the first SHARP UpSwing event in Los Angeles. |
Apr. 23, 2010 |

Radio interview with Tom Cox on Leadership
Play or Download .mp3 interview. |
Apr. 15, 2010 |
UCLA Women in Leadership: UCLA Daily Bruin article by Sarah Ravani |
Jan. 25, 2010 | |
Women in the Boardroom SHARP UpSwing - Redwood Shores, CA - Hotel Sofitel |
Jan. 13, 2010 |
Elizabeth Ghaffari presentation to the UCLA Women's Business Connection - Los Angeles, CA |
Jan. 7, 2010 |
Women's Professional Network Panel - Ernst & Young, Los Angeles, CA |
2009 |
Dec. 2, 2009 | |
Elizabeth Ghaffari hosted a book reading at The BookCase in Wayzata, MN |
Dec. 1, 2009 | |
Women in the Boardroom - SHARP UpSwing - Twin Cities (Minneapolis, MN) - Hyatt Regency |
Sep. 24, 2009 |  |
Working to Advance Women in Leadership
for the Newport Beach Women's Democratic Club and
seven Orange County women's political organizations. |
Sep. 17, 2009 |  |
Association of Women in Architecture/Los Angeles review by Ayanthi Fernando of AWA-LA (and in the Fall 2009 AWA-LA Newsletter. |
Jul. 22, 2009 |  |
Presentation/Q&A video clips |
Jul. 22, 2009 |  |
Book Launch Party video (3 min.) |
2008 |
Nov. 20, 2008 |
"Governance: What is it?" a joint presentation (with Brian G. Gough, partner at Howell Moore & Gough, LLP - Santa Barbara, CA) to the students and the Center for Real Estate, California State Univesity at Northridge (CSUN/CRE) sponsored by the Los Angeles Chapter, Lambda Alpha International's Guest Lecture Series. |
Oct. 28, 2008 |
Women on Boards, HOW? A panel of experts sponsored by Knightsbridge (Toronto, Canada) |
May 22, 2008 |
"Myth Bustin' -- Fact v. Fiction" WITI/GEN Women on Board Teleconference. |
Mar. 11, 2008 |
"Learning from the Leaders" [.pdf] -- Commercial Real Estate Women/Los Angeles (CREW/LA) - Toluka Lake, CA |
2007 |
Jun. 21, 2007 |
"Update: Women on Board" [.pdf] -- NAWBO/Inland Empire -- Ontario, CA Feedback from the group. |
Jan. 5, 2007 |
Elizabeth Ghaffari interviewed by Frances Anderton, Los Angeles radio producer
and host, concerning the career paths chosen by women on corporate boards.
[Audio: MP3 10 minutes] |
2006 |
Oct. 23, 2006 |
"Boards as a Top-Level Team" -- Womenaire Extraordinaire®, Long Beach Convention Center |
Oct. 11, 2006 |
"The REAL Paths Into the Boardroom" -- Women's Presidents' Organization, Los Angeles and Long Beach Chapters |
Sep. 20, 2006 |
"CATFIGHT! The Debate About Women on Boards" with Linda Kornfeld (Pacific Palms, City of Industry: University of La Verne, Women in Leadership Development) |
Jan. 2006 |
"Top Ten Myths Keeping Women Off Boards of Directors -- And How to Debunk Them" -- Organization of Women Executives |
2005 |
Nov. 9, 2005 |
"Is There A Board In Your Future?" at Personal Wealth Journal Women in Business/Los Angeles panel of experts. |
2004 |
Nov. 30, 2004 |
"California Women on Boards of Fortune 1000 Firms: Research By Technology Place Inc." -- UCLA Women's Business Connection |
Oct. 5, 2004 |
"Women: A Board of Opportunity" -- Member of the Steering Committee and fund-raiser, NAWBO/LA's Enterprise Institute Forum |
May 18, 2004 |
"How Many Careers Does A Woman Have?", UCLA Women's Business Connection |
Feb. 17, 2004 |
"How Many Careers Does A Woman Have?", USC Marshall Women's Leadership Board |
2003 |
Nov. 12, 2003 |
"Women on Boards and Women-Owned Business Boards", Women in Business, Los Angeles, CA |
More presentations by the author, Elizabeth Ghaffari |
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