NEW: Discussion Questions for your Book Reading Group or Club -- a list of questions developed in collaboration with reading groups to help foster new and insightful discussion on different aspects of "women in leadership".
- Has this book changed your thoughts about what women can or cannot accomplish in
their personal or professional lives, today? Why or why not?
- Is there one director in particular that you would like to meet? Do you have a
"favorite" director? Why?
- The author cites six lessons learned, overall, from all her research. Pick one lesson
and discuss how any two of the women learned their lessons differently.
- What do you think were some of the common strong, early influences cited by the
women directors?
- How did the women directors deal with prejudices they encountered during their
- How many different ways did the women pursue their educations?
- What were some of the reasons the women said they decided to lead: was it wealth,
power, or did they describe other motivations?
- What do you think is the effect of referring to the women as Ms., Mrs., or Dr. rather
than by their first or last name?
- Describe a newspaper or magazine article you’ve read about a woman in leadership,
recently. Do you observe any differences between the author’s treatment of the
women directors and the treatment by major print journalists/editors?
- Describe a recent TV or radio news item about a woman in leadership. Do you
observe any differences between the author’s coverage of the women directors and
the coverage by major broadcast media?
- Do you think the author placed the women directors on a pedestal, presenting them as
"superwomen"? Or not?
- Do you think the author presented the women directors as victims or stereotypes? Or
- Can you name or find another woman director at a top corporation located in your
- If you were to pick one insight from the book to hand onward to your daughter or
another individual from the next generation, what insight might that be?
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