Women Don't Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide (Princeton University Press (September 2, 2003))
by Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever |
Breaking the Mold: Women, Men and Time in the New Corporate World (Free Press (1993))
by Lotte Bailyn |
Letitia Baldrige's New Complete Guide to Executive Manners (Scribner (October 12, 1993))
by Letitia Baldridge |
The Feminine Mistake: Are We Giving Up Too Much? (384 pages, Voice, a Hyperion imprint (March 28, 2007))
by Leslie Bennetts |
The Economic Emergence of Women (Basic Books, 1986)
by Barbara R. Bergman |
Revolutionary Mothers: Women in the Struggle for America's Independence (Knopf (February 1, 2005))
by Carol Berkin |
The Economics of Women, Men and Work (4th Edition) (Prentice Hall (2001))
by Francine D. Blau, Farianne A. Ferber, Anne E. Winkler |
Spin Sisters: How the Women of the Media Sell Unhappiness --- and Liberalism --- to the Women of America ( (352 pages, St. Martin's Griffin (January 13, 2005))
by Myrna Blythe |
Type E* Women: How to Overcome the Stress of Being *Everything to Everyone (Signet; Reissue edition (May 1, 1992))
by Harriet B. Braiker, Ph.D |
Clearing the Hurdles: Women Building High-Growth Businesses (304 pages, Financial Times Press; (June 16, 2008))
by Candida G. Brush, Nancy M. Carter, Elizabeth Gatewood, Patricia G. Greene and Myra M. Hart |
Business Capital for Women: An Essential Handbook for Entrepreneurs (240 pp., Hungry Minds, Inc; (June 19, 1996))
by Emily Card and Adam Miller |
Race, Gender, and Discrimination at Work: Foundations of Social Inquiry (Westview Press (2000))
by Samuel Cohn |
Written by Herself: Volume I : Autobiographies of American Women: An Anthology (Vintage; 1st ed edition (November 17, 1992))
by Jill Ker Conway |
On Our Own Terms: Portraits of Women Business Leaders (154 pp., Berrett-Koehler Publ. - 1995)
by Liane Enkelis, Karen Olsen, Marion Lewenstein (Illustrator), Jane Applegate |
She Wins, You Win: A Guidebook for Making Women More Powerful (190 pp., Gotham Books, April 2003)
by Gail Evans |
Play Like a Man, Win Like a Woman: What Men Know About Success that Women Need to Know (208 pp., Broadway Books, 2000)
by Gail Evans |
Necessary Dreams: Ambition in Women's Changing Lives (Anchor, February 2005)
by Anna Fels |
Answers to the Mommy Track: How Wives and Mothers in Business Reach the Top and Balance Their Lives (New Horizon Press, NJ: 1991)
by Trudi Ferguson and Joan S. Dunphy |
The First Sex: The Natural Talents of Women and How They Are Changing the World (Random House; 1st edition (1999))
by Helen Fisher |
Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In (Penguin (Non-Classics); 2nd/Rep edition (December 1, 1991))
by Roger Fisher, William L. Ury, Bruce Patton (Editor) |
See Jane Lead: 99 Ways for Women to Take Charge at Work (Warner Business Books: 2007)
by Dr. Lois Frankel |
Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office: 101 Unconscious Mistakes Women Make That Sabotage Their Careers (Warner Business Books (February, 2004))
by Dr. Lois P. Frankel
For more books by Dr. Lois P. Frankel, see her website: drloisfrankel.com |
Dancing on the Glass Ceiling : Find Your True Strengths, Activate Your Vision, and Get What You Really Want out of Your Career (McGraw-Hill; 1st edition (May 14, 2004))
by Nancy Fredericks with Candy Deemer |
Going to the Top: A Road Map for Success from America's Leading Women Executives (320 pages, Penguin, 2001)
by Carol A. Gallagher with Susan K. Golant |
In A Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women's Development (Harvard University Press: reissue edition, (September 1993)
by Carol Gilligan |
More Than 85 Broads: Women Making Career Choices, Taking Risks, and Defining Success -- On Their Own Terms (288 pages; McGraw-Hill; 1 edition (March 13, 2006)
by Janet Hanson |
The Naked Truth: A Working Woman's Manifesto on Business and What Really Matters (Jossey-Bass (September 3, 2004))
by Margaret A. Heffernan |
In the Company of Women: Indirect Aggression Among Women: Why We Hurt Each Other and How To Stop (Jeremy P. Tarcher; Reprint edition (May 22, 2003))
by Pat Heim, Ph.D., and Susan A. Murphy, Ph.D., MBA with Susan K. Golant |
Hardball for Women: Winning at the Game of Business (Plume Books; (September 1, 1993))
by Pat Heim, Ph.D., with Susan K. Golant |
Their Day in the Sun: Women of the Manhattan Project (Temple University Press, originally published in 1999 (April, 2003)
by Ruth H. Howes and Caroline C. Herzenberg, foreword by Ellen C. Weaver |
| See also:
"Women of the Manhattan Project" in Technology Review Vol. 26, No. 8, pp. 32-40 (November/December 1993), and "Women in Weapons Development: The Manhattan Project," which is Chapter 8 of the book Women and the Use of Military Force, edited by R. H. Howes and M. R. Stevenson (Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder and London, 1993). For more information, see the Women of the Manhattan Project web page:www.geocities.com/cherzenberg/Manhattan_Project.html
| |
Moral Mazes: The World of Corporate Managers (Oxford University Press, USA; Reprint edition (September 21, 1989))
by Robert Jackall |
Men and Women of the Corporation (Basic Books, 1977; Reprint edition (1993))
by Rosabeth Moss Kanter |
Bold Women, Big Ideas: Learning to Play the High-Risk Entrepreneurial Game (272 pp., Public Affairs - 2002)
by Kay Koplovitz with Peter Israel |
Mankiller: A Chief and Her People (384 pp., St. Martin's Griffin (August 11, 1999)
by Wilma Mankiller with Michael Wallis |
Fit In, Stand Out: Mastering the FISO FACTOR - The Key to Leadership Effectiveness in Business and Life (213 pp., McGraw-Hill; September 16, 2006)
See also: The FISO Factor Website
by Blythe McGarvie |
A Woman's Guide To Successful Negotiating (192 pp., McGraw Hill: 2002)
by Lee E. Miller and Jessica Miller |
Careerpreneurs: Lessons from Leading Women Entrepreneurs on Building a Career without Boundaries (198 pp., Davies-Black Pub. - 2000)
by Dorothy Perrin Moore |
Getting Even : Why Women Don't Get Paid Like Men -- And What to Do About It (Touchstone (September 27, 2005))
by Evelyn Murphy, E.J. Graff |
| "The Unsung Women in the Race for the Polio Vaccine" by David M. Oshinsky, University of Texas, LA Times OPINION, 4-10-05, p. M5.
"History of Software Begins With The Work of Some Brainy Women" by Thomas Petzinger, Jr., The Front Lines: The Wall St. Journal, November 15, 1996
| |
Into the Blast Furnace: The Forging of a CEO's Conscience (Random House Canada (April 8, 2008))
by Courtney Pratt with Larry Gaudet |
Beyond Work-Family Balance: Advancing Gender Equity and Workplace Performance (Jossey-Bass; 1st edition (December 11, 2001))
by Rhona Rapoport, Lotte Bailyn, Joyce K. Fletcher, Bettye H. Pruitt |
The Secret Handshake: Mastering the Politics of the Business Inner Circle (272 pp., Doubleday Business (January 15, 2002))
by Kathleen Kelly Reardon, Ph.D. |
America's Competitive Secret: Women Managers (Oxford University Press; Reprint edition (November 1, 1997))
by Judy B. Rosener |
| "The Diversity of Diversity" by Linda Sharpe, President MIT Alumni Association in MIT Technology Review Magazine, March 2005.
| |
The Breaking Po!nt: How Female Midlife Crisis Is Transforming Today's Women (Henry Holt & Co. (April 6, 2005))
by Sue Shellenbarger |
Work & Family: Essays from the "Work & Family" Column of The Wall Street Journal (Ballentine Books (March 1999))
by Sue Shellenbarger |
Secrets of Six-Figure Women: Surprising Strategies to Up Your Earnings and Change Your Life (HarperCollins; 1st edition (August, 2002))
by Barbara Stanny |
A Place on the Team: The Triumph and Tragedy of Title IX (Princeton University Press (April 2005))
by Welch Suggs |
Why So Slow? The Advancement of Women (MIT Press, reprint (February 5, 1999))
by Virginia Valian |
A Woman's Place is in the Boardroom: The Business Case (256 pp.; Palgrave Macmillan (November 10, 2005))
by Peninah Thomson and Jacey Graham with Tom Lloyd |
Women in Business: The Changing Face of Leadership (216 pp.; Praeger Publishers (October 30, 2007))
by Patricia Werhane, Margaret Posig, Lisa Gundry and Laurel Ofstein |
Closing the Leadership Gap: Why Women Can and Must Help Run the World (Viking Books (March 1, 2004))
by Marie C. Wilson |