At the Champion Boards we use our comprehensive research to understand today's tougher regulatory and governance environment. We help you find the answers to the questions you need to know.
ChampionBoard's acclaimed research on 19 years of Directors & Boards magazine data.
"A superb analysis. A quite thorough job of numbers crunching and trends divining. ... my initial reading is that you have contributed an important data compendium and accompanying analysis to the understanding of recruitment trends for women board members. Well done."
James Kristie, Editor & Assoc. Publisher,
Directors & Boards |
Latest research:
- Tracking Press Releases with NewsOnWomen.com: 2012 | Back Issues 2005-2011
- Women Directors at Los Angeles' Top Firms: 2010 | 2005
- Women Directors at Orange County' Top Firms: 2010
- More Women CEOs at Fortune 1000 Firms: 2009 | 2008
- Women Directors at California's Fortune 1000 Firms: 2009 | 2008
- Past Surveys of Women on California Fortune 1000 Boards: 2006 | 2005 | 2004
- Women Directors at New York's Fortune 1000 Firms: 2008
- Reports from ION members: 2009 | 2006 | Chicago - 2005
Thought Pieces on the Women on Board Marketplace:
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